
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

christmas story continued...

I started telling my girls a simplified version of the Christmas story using my nativity figures.  Unfortunately I can't leave my nativity set up this year because some little fingers in our house are a bit too rough for my homemade nativity set.  Maybe next year??  I hope so, I miss not having it on display.  But I did take out the pieces yesterday to tell the story and the girls loved it - and I let them have a little play.

Joseph and Mary - with a baby in her tummy - had to walk a long way to go to Bethlehem to pay their taxes.  They took a donkey to carry all the things they would need on their journey.

When they arrived there was no room for them to stay anywhere, so they found a place in a barn with the animals.  Baby Jesus was born and they laid him in a manger.

The shepherds were in the fields looking after their sheep when the angels came down and told them a King had been born.

The 3 Kings came to visit baby Jesus, and brought with them gifts of gold, frankinsence and myrhh.

Ok, was that short enough? becuase by now my little girls were over listening to the story, and just wanted to play !!...and so we did...

...I love Christmas time...

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